Oj Case Facts

Posted By admin On 28/07/22
O.J. Simpson is Guilty
This paper attempts to prove that O.J. Simpson is guilty by giving evidence from both sides, and statements made by witnesses.
On June 12, 1994, two people were brutally killed. Those two people were Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Nicole was O.J. Simpson's ex-wife.
O.J. was arrested the next day and charged with double homicide.
O.J. pled innocent to murder chargers against him and went to trial in criminal court. The trial lasted a year, and caused worldwide media excitement. There was so much evidence against him, it seemed almost impossible for him to be that he'd be found innocent. For example, the famous bloody glove found behind the guest house was proven by DNA
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Other evidence included a bloody footprint which matched O.J.'s shoes, blood on O.J.'s Bronco door, on the console, on the interior side of the door, a bloody footprint in the Bronco, bloody socks in O.J.'s house, O.J.'s injured finger, blood found at Nicole's condo that matched O.J.'s, and so on(Posner,64).
The defense claimed that the evidence had been planted.
On June 30th, Allen Wattenberg, a knife store owner, testified during the preliminary hearing that O.J. bought a 14-inch Stiletto knife from his store.
On June 12, O.J.'s limo driver arrived to drive O.J. to the airport and saw a black man, with the same build as O.J. sprinting across the lawn towards O.J.'s house. Yet when O.J. answered the door, he said he'd been napping(Biema, 56).
O.J. also acted guilty: he wrote a suicide note, and led police on a chase through L.A. that ended at his Brentwood mansion with his surrender and arrest. Despite all this evidence, the jury found O.J. not guilty. By all accounts, the prosecution did a poor job presenting the evidence. O.J.'s defense, called “The Dream Team,” took advantage of the prosecutions incompetence and created reasonable doubt in the jurors minds(Posner, 62).
O.J.'s time in court is not over yet, however, he is now fighting 2 civil cases, one for the custody of his children, and the other against the
Browns and the Goldmans for “wrongful death.”

The new evidence, together with much of the evidence considered in the criminal trial, convinced a civil jury that Simpson murdered Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. In his 2007 book, If I Did It, Simpson (for all intents and purposes) confessed. The book describes in detail events leading up to the moment of the murders. Simpson murder case (officially The People of the State of California v.Orenthal James Simpson) was a criminal trial held in Los Angeles County Superior Court.Former National Football League (NFL) player, broadcaster and actor O. Simpson was tried and acquitted on two counts of murder for the June 12, 1994, slashing deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her.

Oj Civil Case Facts

O.J. Simpson Criminal and Civil Trials – Compared & Contrasted

© Donald Reinhardt, September 11, 2012

Therewere two O.J. (Orenthal James) Simpson trials, one criminal and one civil, andO.J. won the criminal trial and was acquitted but he lost in the civil trial.Why were the two trial results different?

Oj Simpson Murder Evidence

Criminal and Civil O.J. Simpson Trials – The Similarities and theDifferences

Oj simpson case summary

Therewere different prosecutors, different lawyers and different results with thesetwo different juries, but essentially there was the same evidence plus someadditional important new evidence in the civil trial. In the criminal case, theO.J. trial was to prove guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt” to convict. Beyond areasonable doubt is a higher bar to reach and attain. In the civil trial therehad to be reasonable cause to convict and there was a conviction and a judgmentwithout a jail sentence. However, in the civil trial it was possible to callO.J. Simpson as a witness and to question and cross examine his statements madeto the police in Los Angeles. Further additional evidence with photographs ofthe Bruno Magli shoes size 12 was presented and as many as 30 photographsproved that he possessed and wore a pair of these shoes which he denied he everowned or used. This bloody shoeprint was of a Bruno Magli shoe was found at themurder scene and in the Bronco carpeting.

The O.J. Simpson Case and the Common Evidence in Both the Criminal andCivil Trials

Oj case facts

1994 Oj Simpson Case Files

Hereare some of the most important and indisputable facts in this case:

  • Simpson’s blood was found at the crime scene –the Bundy property of his estranged wife, Nicole Brown Simpson
  • Simpson’s black knit cap with some of his hair inside was at the Bundy murder scene
  • A bloody Bruno Magli shoeprint matching Simpson’s shoe and size 12 was at that crime scene and also in the Bronco car he drove
  • The murder timeline indicated the murders took place somewhere between 10:15 and 10:40 PM
  • A white bronco or jeep car was seen fleeing the Bundy residence in Brentwood
  • The white Bronco was seen again only a short distance removed from the murder scene when it almost crashed into a Ms. Shively’s car and she recognized and identified the driver as O.J. Simpson at about 10:55 PM
  • A white Bronco arrived at Rockingham residence of OJ Simpson and shortly thereafter a limousine driver saw an O.J. Simpson-like, 6 foot 2' figure enter the house from the back to the front and soon the lights went on.
  • The driver buzzed the residence again (he had been waiting for almost 20 minutes for Simpson) and Simpson said he had overslept was finished showering and would be right down to get driven to the airport
  • There was blood found in the Bronco and the blood was of three types: O.J. Simpson’s blood (related to a cut on his finger), Nicole Brown Simpson’s blood, his murdered wife, and Ron Goldman’s blood, the young man who was there to deliver reading glasses left behind at the Mezzaluna restaurant for a post-recital family dinner in honor of the Simpson’s daughter Sydney.
  • O.J. Simpson had no valid alibi or witness to prove where he was at the time of the murder

Chris Darden Prosecutor Claim – Simpson Murder Glove Tampering?

At a recent meetingChristopher Darden, one of the prosecutors in the original Simpson criminaltrial, proposed that the glove that did not fit easily onto O.J. Simpson’s hand,during an attempt to show that the glove was a fit, had been altered by thedefense team during a brief period of their studying the glove. It was Dardenwho originally had encouraged the prosecution to have Simpson try the gloves onand during this period of demonstration by Simpson actually having greatdifficulty putting the glove on there was great drama that was observed by all–the judge, the jury, the defense team and the prosecutors and the world-widetelevision audience. These matching leather gloves each had blood on them, hadbeen wetted and dried and were deemed to possibly have shrunk by one full size.Further, while the gloves were being put on OJ was wearing protective latexgloves and the latex inhibited a smooth transition into the leather gloves.Darden essentially damaged his own prosecution case as O.J. struggled, winced,fought and even smiled quizzically as he tried to slide and maneuver the gloveson. Finally, in a great act filled with drama he held the gloves up as a poorfit. Soon Johnnie Cochran, O.J.’s lead defense lawyer, was espousing the point,“if it does not fit, you must acquit.” Alan Dershowitz, one of Simpson's Dream Team of lawyers, said the prosecution made major errors and lost the case as a result of the glove testing event and several other errors. Dershowitz noted under California law Simpson could have been made to test the glove in the absence of the jury and the results assessed outside the jury room. Unfortunately for the prosecution, this test did not happen outside the jury's view but was done right in front of the entire courtroom.
Chris Darden’s recent assertion of glovetampering probably is wrong because if he thought that tampering occurred that should havebeen presented at the time of the actual trial – it was not charged then and now 18years it is irrelevant, even if it provides some interesting discussion, storyor hypothesis.

Nevertheless, the O. J.Simpson criminal trial was all great theater and great defense and soon, thestronger evidence all around –the DNA, the blood, the footprints, the glovefound at Bundy and the other blood and material evidence at O. J.’s Rockinghamestate began to fade as charges of racism by the police investigators, plantedevidence and poor specimen handling began to cast shadows here and there andeverywhere amidst the prosecution’s case. And, when that criminal case jury,finally arrived at a verdict, it was a clear 12:0 decision for acquittal and averdict of not guilty because the defense team had created reasonable doubt andconfusion.

O.J. never took the stand inhis criminal trial, but in the civil trial he had to and it was here that theplaintiffs' attorney Petrocelli grilled and riddled O.J.’s statements andshowed how O.J.’s spousal abuse was real, his anger was often, he was lyingtime and time again and he had no alibi that was valid. And all the evidencethat was in the shadows before at the criminal trial, now emerged brighter andclearer as shoe photos were matched to crime scene photos, DNA results were clearly linked and timelineswere shown to coincide with witness who saw a white car resembling the Broncoat two different times.

O.J. SimpsonCriminal and Civil Trial Conclusions

So, what are we to believeafter everything is said and done about these trials? The evidence is theevidence and the evidence is strong that O.J. Simpson committed these murders.Because the criminal trial lasted almost 10 months and O.J. had a very strongand large defense team, the defense created sufficient doubt, confusion andpersonal attributions of racism to cause the criminal case to be thrown intothe area where 'beyond a reasonable doubt' could not work.Nevertheless, the Simpson civil trial of the plaintiffs – the Goldman and Brownfamilies – clearly showed that O.J. Simpson lied consistently when on thestand, did not have an alibi and the overwhelming forensic evidence stood upwell. In the civil trial guilt was established and a 33 million dollar judgmentand claim was brought against Simpson. None of this money will ever be receivedby either family, but the conviction stands and will not be overturned.
Today, O.J. Simpson sits injail on another series of charges in Nevada related to kidnapping and the useof deadly force in a robbery where Simpson said he was simply trying to retakehis stolen and cherished personal memorabilia. His sentence is for 60 years.


Oj Simpson Case Facts

  • August, Bob. 2012.“The Real OJ.” Accessed,September 4, 2012 @ bobaugust.com
  • Patterico. 2006. “The O.J. Posts — Part Six: WhyPetrocelli Won the Civil Trial, While Clark and Darden Lost the Criminal Trial.”Accessed,September 11, 2012 @ patterico.com/2006/08/25/the-oj-posts-part-six
  • Reuters. 2012. “Ex-prosecutorclaims O.J. Simpson attorney tampered with glove.” Accessed September, 9, 2012 @reuters.com/article/2012/09/08/
  • Walraven, J. 1995.'The Simpson Trial Transcripts.'Accessed September 11, 2012 @ walraven.org/simpson/

Orenthal James Simpson, Nevada Prison Inmate. Photo Credit: Lovelock Nevada Prison